Somatic Psychotherapy

After her doctorate, Beth completed 6 years of training in integrative, body-based psychotherapeutic modalities. In 2013, she served as the president of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy for 4 years.  Since 2001, she has been working to marry mind and body in order to gain greater access to blocked feeling states, anxiety, and trauma. Additional applications include Integrative Health and Sports. A typical session involves tracking the "felt sense" in order to know the thoughts and feelings locked in your cells. Through movement, breath, and present moment awareness, repressed emotions and beliefs surface, often more potently than through talk alone. Dr. Haessig has also received training in the Trauma Resiliency Model, a biological body-based approach to work with trauma adapted from Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

With over 200 hours of training in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, this body based intervention are for those who feel stuck in depressive and anxious mind states.

continue with content from the KAP page.



United States Association for Body Psychotherapy:
International Body Psychotherapy Journal:
European Association for Body Psychotherapy: